The Town of Silverhill and its employees work hard to ensure a wonderful quality of life, along with the safety and protection of residents and visitors. These services add to what makes the town a great place to raise a family as well as a desirable retirement destination.
Silverhill Police Department
911 for emergencies
251-947-4010, Dispatch/non-emergency number
251-945-5200, Silverhill Police Department
The Silverhill Police Department services include traffic enforcement, victim services, crime prevention and protecting life and property for both residents and visitors. The department is composed of Chief Ryan Pelfrey, who works with lieutenant/school resource officer Daniel Boutwell, as well as three full-time officers, five part-time officers, and two additional reserves.
Ryan Pelfrey
Police Chief
Town of Silverhill Volunteer Fire Department
22065 6th Street, Silverhill
The Silverhill Volunteer Fire Department serves the nearly 1,000 residents of the town in an area that covers two square miles. The department is led by Fire Chief Josh Rice with about 20 volunteer firefighters. Silverhill VFD obtained a new tanker truck in 2021 with storage capacity up to 2,000 gallons. The new truck increased firefighter capacity to five. The Silverhill VFD meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the Fire Department. Come by the fire station to learn about volunteering.

Josh Rice
Fire Chief

Public Works
Amy Macon, Utility/Court Clerk
Scottie Smith, Utilities Superintendent
Silverhill Public Works provides services regarding meter rates for water; deposit for water connection; tapping fees and billing and discontinuation of services. You can pay your Town of Silverhill Utility Bill via MuniciPAY using a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover with a per transaction service fee.

Planning & Zoning
Nicole Haigler, Planning and Zoning Secretary
The planning commission meets every second Tuesday in the Silverhill Town Hall meeting room. The work session is at 4:30 p.m., and the regular meeting is at 5 p.m. If you have any questions or need to be put on the agenda, please contact the Planning & Zoning secretary at 14 days prior to the meeting.
Building Department
Bert Campbell
Construction permits required in Silverhill include general building permits and permits for the repair, installation, and/or addition of any gas, plumbing, electrical, or HVAC fixtures. All work must be in compliance with the 2018 International Building Code and the laws and ordinances of the State of Alabama and the Town of Silverhill. Work cannot begin until a permit is issued. In addition, any business or contractor doing work in Silverhill, inside and outside of the corporate limits, must obtain a business license through Avenu Insights.

Municipal Court
Amy Macon at Town Hall
Municipal Court is held at 4 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 15965 Silverhill Ave. Payments will not be accepted on the day of court. No personal checks. Cash, money order or debit card accepted.
Oscar Johnson Public Library
21967 6th St., Silverhill, AL
Shirley Stephens, Library Director
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 1:00 to 4:30 pm
The Library Board meets quarterly in the library at 12:30 p.m. on the third Friday of February, May, August, and November.
For more than a century, Silverhill residents have been visiting the town’s public library. Artifacts from the town’s past are housed in the top floor of the historic building. It was constructed by the town’s founder, Oscar Johnson, in 1898 as a land office. It was later a school before becoming the library, which is staffed by a dedicated team of volunteers.